Featured Speakers

Muhammad Salman Anjum

Muhammad Salman Anjum

Designation: Chief Mate & BSV Hub Lead

Company: InvoiceMate

Location: Dubai

Salman has been named a “Top 100 Blockchain Leader in World.” As a Founder and Chief Mate of InvoiceMate he is co-creating future of invoice processing with blockchain enabled trusted process and enhanced efficiency. Aiming to solve real world business issue of inefficient invoice processing and would result in saving professionals lots of effort, time and resources. As Managing Director of Avantas Technology Accelerator, he has expanded Blockchain Technology Solutions for government entities, international bodies & large-scale enterprises thus imparted his passion for societal impact through digital transformation initiatives. MedsLOCK (medslock.com) has been a highlight project supporting government authorities, healthcare officials & businesses countering COVID-19 outbreak.

A key influencer in the space of Enterprise Blockchain adaption, Salman has moderated events & presented keynotes at stages around the world including a talk at esteemed TEDx platform. He’s a Blockchain & FinTech specialist in PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Faculty. A results-driven professional with over 20 years in corporate & entrepreneurial roles aligning People, Performance and Profit. He has been featured as success story in “Soul Beats @ UAE” the book published by Dubai Government. Pursuing his Doctorate degree, he is a CIPD Member and one of the pioneer Lead Auditors of ISO 29990:2010 for L&D operations.

Salman lives, plays and works in Dubai and on stages around the world committed to empower the human potential.